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2 places in Yangzhou listed as tourism, leisure blocks



A view of the Yucheng Postal Stop in Gaoyou, a county-level city in Yangzhou, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: yzs_lyj]

Two places in Yangzhou were recently listed among 16 tourism and leisure blocks in East China's Jiangsu province, according to an announcement posted on the website of the provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. 

The two places are the Yucheng Postal Stop Historical and Cultural Block and the Pishi Tourism and Leisure Block.

Yucheng Postal Stop Historical and Cultural Block

Designated a national 4A scenic spot, the Yucheng Postal Stop Historical and Cultural Block includes the Yucheng Postal Stop, which is a major historical and cultural site under national level protection and was listed as a world heritage item in 2014. 

Recognized as a must-see scenic spot in Gaoyou, a county-level city in Yangzhou, the block offers places to experience canal culture, sightseeing, shopping, catering and recreational activities. 

Pishi Tourism and Leisure Block 

The 689-meter Pishi Street, which features business households selling local cultural products and some nostalgic walls, has attracted many visitors.

Visitors can take a leisurely stroll on the cobbled paths that wind through rustic buildings and enjoy a coffee while admiring the nostalgic scenes.


A nostalgic scene on Pishi Street in Yangzhou, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: yzs_lyj]

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