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Bridging cultures: Portuguese students experience Yangzhou rod puppetry

(seeyangzhou.com)Updated: 2024-08-10


Portuguese students try Yangzhou rod puppetry themselves. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_7b95cc73e952]

In a recent cultural exchange initiative, 54 Portuguese teachers and students journeyed to the Shiqiao community in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, where they were captivated by the art of Yangzhou rod puppetry.

Eager to engage with this cultural treasure, some Portuguese youth took the stage, experiencing firsthand the allure of China's intangible cultural heritage.

A standout moment of the event was the performance of The Emperor's Female Son-in-law by Yan Yu, a local provincial-level inheritor of Yangzhou rod puppetry. Yan's graceful movements and expressive gestures conveyed the essence of this art form, showcasing a delicate balance of strength and subtlety.

Yangzhou rod puppetry is a traditional art form involving the manipulation puppets with a main rod and two hand rods. Performances often feature myths, historical narratives, and folklore, blending elements of Chinese opera with the unique characteristics of puppetry. Through a combination of puppetry, music, and dance, these stories are vividly brought to life.

This exchange program served as a cultural bridge, offering Portuguese students a profound immersion in Chinese traditional culture. It fostered mutual understanding and appreciation between youth from both nations, highlighting China's rich cultural heritage and the transformative power of cross-cultural interactions in shaping a more connected global community.


A group of Portuguese teachers and students visit Shiqiao community in Yangzhou for cultural exchange. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_7b95cc73e952]

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