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Kangshan Culture Park after renovation

(seeyangzhou.com)Updated: 2024-08-15

Kangshan Culture Park at Dashui Bay in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, stands as a pivotal commercial hub along the ancient Grand Canal, attracting a wave of young tourists. Its night scenery has been featured on a United Nations stamp, while today, as renovation nears completion, the park has taken on a new look.


On Aug 25, 2021, the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) issued a set of six stamps focusing on United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sites that include waterways, railways and bridges. One of them, with a face value of $1.20, depicts China's Grand Canal, showcasing Dashui Bay in Yangzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: yzs_lyj]

The cluster of ancient-style buildings lining the canal has undergone a remarkable transformation. Roofs have been meticulously retiled, columns repainted, and the entire architectural ensemble renovated. Surrounding greenery and floral arrangements, along with strategically placed rocks, have elevated the overall ambiance.

What's more, the ancient-style structures now feature floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing visitors and locals to bask in the beauty of the canal from within.


Kangshan Culture Park at Dashui Bay in Yangzhou along the ancient Grand Canal. [Photo/WeChat account: yzs_lyj]

Within the heart of the buildings lies a captivating fountain. To the east, a charming courtyard named Jingyuan Garden offers a tranquil space for leisurely tea sessions and a hall reminiscent of a traditional bookstore. On the southeast corner of Kangshan Culture Park, a new square has been unveiled, providing a scenic spot where visitors can immerse themselves in verses from ancient poets celebrating Yangzhou's allure.

Noteworthy among the attractions is the former residence of the Lu family, the largest remaining salt merchant abode in Yangzhou. Today, this historic site has been reborn as the China Huaiyang Cuisine Museum, a cultural haven that integrates exhibitions, culinary showcases, and recreational activities. Visitors can also delve into the world of Huaiyang cuisine, savoring traditional delicacies and renowned banquets while exploring the museum's rich heritage.

The museum's courtyard spaces have been artfully adorned with a plethora of sculptures, enriching the visitor experience and offering deeper insights into Yangzhou's illustrious history and culture.

After renovation, the Kangshan Culture Park stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of Yangzhou's past and present, a place where history is preserved and celebrated amid the winds of change.


Sculptures at a courtyard in China Huaiyang Cuisine Museum in Yangzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: yzs_lyj]

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